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Corporate Wellness Program

Corporate Wellness Program 

Unleash Your Team's Potential with Peak Performance: Elevate Your Workplace Wellness with UBI


Pioneering a new era of employee thriving, UBI presents an exceptional corporate wellness program designed to ignite your company's true potential. Partnered with the region's top mental health institutes, we offer an unrivaled approach to empowering your workforce and cultivating a culture of wellbeing.


Our comprehensive initiatives redefine what it means to be a healthy and fulfilled employee. With a focus on mental health support, our program provides a safe and confidential space for individuals to address and overcome emotional challenges. From tailored workshops and fitness classes to physical health empowerment, we champion an active lifestyle that strengthens both body and mind.


But we don't stop there. Nourishing your team from within, our healthy eating programs offer expert guidance and personalized meal plans, revitalizing energy levels and encouraging optimal performance in every aspect of their lives. Additionally, our life coaching sessions provide tailored mentorship, fostering personal growth and professional development that transcends boundaries.


Stress is no match for our program. Equipping your staff with powerful stress management tools and techniques, we alleviate workplace pressures and create harmonious environments that fuel productivity and satisfaction.


Harness the power of UBI's corporate wellness program and unlock unlimited growth for your organization. Together, we'll revolutionize the way your employees thrive, driving unprecedented success and cultivating a brighter, healthier future.


Mental Health

The recognition of mental health as a contributing factor to absenteeism has become increasingly important.

UBI expert team has partnered with renowned global mental health institutes to offer a comprehensive Mental Health & Wellbeing  Framework. This framework utilizes evidence-based techniques to optimize positive health outcomes for employees and promote value for organizations. With a focus on the entire continuum of care, this framework aims to improve the mental wellbeing of employees through integrated solutions that address all aspects of mental health.


Physical Health

Our physical health trainings/workshops provided aim to educate individuals on the significance of engaging in regular exercise for overall wellbeing. These sessions offer practical advice on ways to incorporate exercise into daily routines and emphasize a holistic approach to physical health, which includes proper nutrition and mental wellbeing. Attendees leave with a deeper understanding of how to prioritize their physical health and adopt positive lifestyle changes.


Employee Wellbeing

 The key to success is a happy and healthy team. Our award-winning training and workshops focused on enhancing employee wellbeing. Our approach examines the critical elements that foster positive working environments and empowers employers and employees to take control of their health. We understand the importance of employee health promotion and provide the necessary tools and resources to improve overall wellbeing. and providing practical solutions. 

Mental Health Program

Mental health and wellbeing within the workplace is becoming a much more prominent factor of productivity and output, with 12.8 million working days lost each year due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety (2018/19 FLS)UBI expert team has partnered with renowned global mental health institutes to offer a comprehensive Mental Health & Wellbeing  Framework. This framework utilizes evidence-based techniques to optimize positive health outcomes for employees and promote value for organizations. By providing a standardized approach to employee mental health, businesses can expect to see decreased absenteeism, improved productivity and a healthier and more motivated workforce.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally acclaimed and evidence-based program that empowers and equips adults with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to identify, understand, and respond to adults  who may be struggling with their mental health or a mental health crisis. It is a mental health first responder program that teaches adults to identify and respond to adults suffering from depression, anxiety disorders, addiction, and crises such as suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, and the after-effects of trauma. Mental Health First Aid does NOT teach individuals how to counsel or diagnose and is not a replacement for therapy or professional support.

UBI has partnered with The Lighthouse Arabia, the only licensed provider of Mental Health First Aid in the UAE.

 Mental Health Programs


Raise general awareness  about the main mental health and resilience challenges and drivers 

Normalize mental health  challenges and encourage people to get support


Improves the workforce’s sensitivity and compassion for mental health issues and those suffering from them

Raises the organization’s  base level of mental  health literacy

Build skills for supporting  the mental health of self  and others

Support Sessions

Offer participants opportunities to practice and deepen the skills they gained in foundational training

Also serve as an ongoing form of support and relief for them as they struggle to both support their own mental health and that of others

Group Learning

Create possibilities for deep mindset shifts and lasting behavioral changes that positively impact individual effectiveness and satisfaction at work

Deepen connections amongst participants and improve feelings of belonging and engagement in the workplace

Transform team dynamics as members experience more functional and trust-building interactions during journey sessions

Through Grief: A
Guide to

Helps individuals to grieve in healthy ways and to identify the signs that they may need extra support

Increases the organization’s preparedness to respond to bereavement in the workplace


Develops capable in-house resources to assist any team members experiencing a mental health crisis, including  such issues as panic attacks, bouts of  depression, difficulties with expatriate adjustment or the after-effects of trauma or bereavement


Enable greater mastery of key skills by employees who need or want it

Mind Matters Coffee Chats

Create psychological safety through example set by leaders to encourage others to speak more openly about their own struggles and seek support at work

Critical Incident
Briefing (CIB)

Unites and anchors team members by empowering them with the knowledge of what it is normal to experience emotionally,  cognitively, and physically post-trauma.

Builds skills to promote individual and collective healing

Lessens the emotional impact of the event and can mitigate depression, anxiety, and acute stress reactions

Mental Health
Policy Review

Corporate policies can support or hinder employee wellbeing and should be aligned with  wellbeing goals

Diagnosis is the first intervention, and well-designed employee wellbeing surveys increase the likelihood that interventions are appropriate and impactful


Engages leaders who are  key to leading mindset and behavioral shifts in the organization 

Tasks leaders with the responsibility of creating psychological safety in their teams so people who are struggling feel comfortable asking for help

Spurs conversations about how the organization’s mental  health-related policies and resources can be improved


Keep MHFAiders’ skills  relevant and sharp

Renew accreditation for another 3 years

Emotional Wellbeing Checkups (EWCs)

Quick and easy way for individuals to get an  expert opinion on the state  of their emotional  wellbeing, and to identify any risk factors in their circumstances or current lifestyle that may negatively impact their resilience to chronic stress

A less daunting introduction or ‘sampling’  for individuals who may have some blocks or concerns about seeking out emotional and mental health counseling and other forms of support

Critical Incident
Stress Debriefing

Teaches individuals how to navigate during stress reactions, what to avoid, and how to support themselves and their teams

Research has shown that teams who participate in CISDs following major events have greater cohesion and engage in less risky behaviors

Wellbeing Survey

Physical Health

A new era of fitness and wellbeing is emerging, Healthy employees are often happier, more productive and contribute more on the job. 

Engaging in physical activity is an essential cornerstone of maintaining good health and wellbeing. By partnering with UBI and its certified specialized trainers and professional nutritionist, corporations can foster greater employee engagement in physical fitness while promoting overall wellbeing. The benefits of regular physical activity are numerous, including increased energy levels, improved cognitive function, stress relief, and lowered risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease or diabetes. By providing access to these health and wellness services, corporations can create a supportive culture that values employee health and promotes increased productivity and job satisfaction. With UBI as a valuable partner, corporations can prioritize employee health and wellbeing to create a more positive, productive, and successful work environment.

Mindful Wellness

Our Mindful Wellness Workshops aim is to improve the wellbeing of your team by embedding knowledge, improving their personal growth, understating and critical thinking related to what wellbeing is and what really makes us happy. We encourage our participants to embed habits which promote wellbeing into their lifestyle. 

Embedding a culture of workplace wellbeing has been shown to improve employee productivity, morale and health. As well as decreasing employee absences and increasing retention and recruitment. 

Also, by embedding health and wellbeing activities at work you will start to improve your employee’s generic wellbeing. Positively influencing their individual’s lifestyles by improving their happiness, physical and mental wellbeing and their social life.

Our Mindful Wellness workshops cover a variety of topics. Each topic we cover is backed by research-based evidence to have a positive impact on our wellbeing. And conducted by certified wellness coaches, trainers, and consultants. 

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