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Strategic Marketing for Driving Growth

Key Concepts

Key Learning Outcomes

Key Learning Outcomes
Through a rich combination of case discussions, faculty 
presentations, and small group work, you will explore the 
latest concepts and tools of digital and strategic marketing as 
well as best practices that will drive success. Examining the 
challenges and opportunities a business faces during different 
stages of its life cycle—launch, growth, and maturity—you will 
expand your repertoire of strategic marketing approaches.

Through a rich combination of case discussions, faculty
presentations, and small group work, you will explore the
latest concepts and tools of digital and strategic marketing as
well as best practices that will drive success. Examining the
challenges and opportunities a business faces during different
stages of its life cycle—launch, growth, and maturity—you will
expand your repertoire of strategic marketing approaches.


emerging business models and thriving in the midst of disruption. Gain insights into innovative approaches to adapt to changing market dynamics and capitalize on new opportunities for growth.


value propositions and matching products to markets and segments. Enhance your ability to differentiate your offerings and target specific customer segments with tailored marketing messages and solutions.


products and services that deliver meaningful customer value and drive loyalty. Learn to create customer-centric solutions that address real needs and provide exceptional experiences throughout the customer journey.


strategy for a digital world and understanding the new rules of competition. Adapt your strategic approach to thrive in the digital age, leveraging technology and data-driven insights for competitive advantage.


the rise of direct-to-consumer brands and their impact on traditional retail. Explore strategies to compete effectively in the evolving retail landscape and leverage digital channels for success.


state-of-the-art digital marketing techniques to engage and convert customers. Explore cutting-edge tools and strategies to optimize your digital marketing campaigns and drive measurable results.


among alternative growth strategies to expand market share and revenue. Evaluate different growth opportunities and select the most viable strategies to achieve sustainable business growth and competitive advantage.


legal and ethical issues and managing marketing risk to protect reputation. Navigate complex legal and ethical considerations in marketing to mitigate risks and safeguard your brand's reputation.


the business implications of emerging technologies, including generative AI, and their potential to revolutionize marketing. Evaluate the strategic implications of AI-driven innovation and its impact on consumer behavior.


customer acquisition, retention, and monetization strategies to maximize lifetime value. Develop comprehensive approaches to attract, retain, and monetize customers across multiple touchpoints and channels.


new and established brands and designing innovative brand strategies to differentiate. Develop brand strategies that resonate with target audiences and establish a distinctive brand identity in competitive markets.

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