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Cognitive Time Management

Unlike traditional time management, which focuses on schedules and task lists, cognitive time management leverages your mental resources and cognitive skills. It’s about understanding how your brain works and using that knowledge to prioritize, plan, and execute tasks more effectively

Program Outlines

Mastering time management can lead to increased productivity, reduced stress, and better work-life balance

A mere 20% of
individuals conduct a
monthly audit of their
time usage, in contrast
to 49% who have never
performed such an

Roughly 40% of an
employee’s day is
occupied by meetings,
posing challenges to
managing time

The average employee
spends up to 9% of
their year switching
between different app

81% of remote workers
check their emails
outside of office hours

The Eisenhower matrix
emerges as the top
strategy for managing
time, with all its
users feeling in
control of their work
for most of the week

Individuals committed
to time management are
57% more successful at
completing tasks

The average person
checks their phone 96
times a day

Outsourcing chores to
save time could
increase your happiness
to the same extent as
receiving $18,000

Segmenting the day into
15-minute blocks has
been linked to
heightened productivity
and better time

Implementing time
management strategies
could potentially
reclaim 20% of work
hours, enhancing
overall productivity

82% of individuals lack
an effective system for
managing their time,
leading to 51% of their
workday being allocated
to less valuable

The American
Association reports
that 20% of adults
regularly delay tasks,
affecting their


Time Management Systems


Getting things done (GTD)


The Eisenhower matrix


Time blocking


Zen to done


The Pomodoro technique


Eat that frog


The 80/20 principle


Personal Kanban

Time Management

"Empower Your Hours: Mastering Time, Maximizing Life!

Key Takeaways

Understanding cognitive time management involves identifying challenges, implementing effective strategies, and examining examples from real life

Stress Reduction

Minimizing overwhelm and decision fatigue can be achieved by utilizing strategies such as prioritization, time blocking, and mindfulness

Vacation Mood Instagram Story 3.PNG

Enhanced Productivity

Focusing attention on high-impact tasks leads to greater efficiency and success in both personal and professional endeavors

Continuous Improvement

Regularly evaluating time management habits, including conducting monthly time audits, helps maintain efficiency and productivity

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